It's not even been a few months since the government has given immense happiness to government employees by offering DA and bonuses on the festivals. But now they have given a blow to them by making an announcement that, if any employee under the government is found negligible or breaks the Code of Conduct is eligible to lose the pension and gratuity that belongs to them after retirement.
Who Will Come Under This Law?
As per the Central Civil Services Pension Rules 2021, any government employee working under Central comes under the regulation. The employee can be forbidden from the retirement pension and other gratuities offered to a government employee. This model will eventually implement in States later on. In a recent scenario, Central Government Employees are on the verge of this rule. The change will be done on the Rule 8 of the CCS (pension 2021) as notified by the Central Government.
Pension and Gratuity
Who can Decide the Changes If Found Guilty?
The amendment in rule 8 includes the panel that is responsible to decide the faith of the employee which includes:
Our Honourable President
Secretary (Administrative Department)
Auditor-General of India.
What is in the Amendment?
The revision in the rule was done on 7 October, which states that the mentioned authority can either be dropped partially or fully if the person is at fault. They will also lose the chance of re-employment after the retirement. The decision can be permanent (for a lifetime) or a certain amount of time depending on the complaint. They also have the right to recover any loss caused financially due to the employee from the pension or gratuity.
Pension and Gratuity
The authority will need to discuss with Union Public Commission before a verdict. And the employee's amount cant is lowered than the mentioned amount of 9000 as in rule 44. This will include the case where partial income is withdrawn. The central government employees are under this regulation and the punishment will be going to be decided by the panel members included in rule 8 of the CCS (pension 2021).
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