Be on Alert if Your Password figures in this List
- Posted on November 24, 2022
- News
- By Akta Yadav
Recently an exercise undertaken by NordPass has proven that there are some common passwords that hackers take less than one second to crack. The team behind NordVPN revealed their list of the most common passwords in 2022 and warned people against using such weak passwords.
If your password is any of the following then you must be on alert that it will be cracked by the hackers in less than one second. Here is the list reproduced for general public awareness:
Serial No. | Password | Serial No. | Password |
1 | password | 11 | 1234567 |
2 | 123456 | 12 | 1234 |
3 | 123456789 | 13 | 1234567890 |
4 | guest | 14 | 000000 |
5 | qwerty | 15 | 555555 |
6 | 12345678 | 16 | 666666 |
7 | 111111 | 17 | 123321 |
8 | 12345 | 18 | 654321 |
9 | col123456 | 19 | 7777777 |
10 | 123123 | 20 | 123 |