A new groundbreaking witness has surfaced in the Delhi crime reported on the night of 1st Jan 2023 in which a car dragged a 23 year old woman to death after a brutal accident. Until now, the only eyewitness available for the investigation was Mr. Deepak Dahiya, the prime eyewitness who first reported the case to the police.
Delhi Crime Update
Twist in Case: Many New Details FoundThe new witness found in the Delhi crime on the 3rd of January 2023 is a major breakthrough in the case because she is a friend of the late victim who was present on the crime scene. In her statement, she disclosed many new details about that night. According to her, both of them had left the hotel at around 2 a.m. and were driving on their way back home.The witness stated that the accident happened between the two vehicles head to head and the 5 accused persons inside the car knew that the victim was being dragged under the car but still kept driving for 13 kilometres. She said that she saved herself by jumping off from the scooty on which she and the victim were riding. The witness even disclosed some details about the victim’s nature. Through her statements, she raised questions on the victim’s character and also called her short- tempered and stubborn since she kept driving although she was highly drunk despite interferences by the witness.
Delhi Crime Update-Delhi Crime Update-Delhi Crime UpdateMoments before the AccidentThe victim and the witness both had checked into a nearby Oyo Hotel for a 31st December night party along with many other friends whose names have not been disclosed. As a part of the evidence, signatures on the hotel register have been admitted. One of the people present in the party was the victim’s boyfriend who had engaged in a verbal fight with the victim few moments before the accident.Questions Raised upon the WitnessThe twist in case has been looked at with an eye of skepticism by many. Several female spokespersons, social workers and political representatives has raised questions upon the new witness’ statements and called it “tutored” and “fabricated”. The flaws pointed out are that the witness came forward to voice out her version of the story only after almost 3 days had already passed from the night of the incident. The witness had also made no efforts to report to the police on the night of the incident or informed her family members about it. This Delhi crime has disclosed yet another problem before the society regarding inactivity of not only the police but also citizens of the country.
Delhi Crime Update-Delhi Crime UpdateNew Evidence: Post Mortem Report ReleasedNewly reported evidence also consists of the post- mortem report of the victim’s body which shows no evidence of any forced sexual involvement with the late victim. Thus, as a result of the new twist in case, the charges have been framed for only culpable homicide besides negligent and rash driving.Repercussions of the Delhi CrimeSerious questions are being raised on the accountability of the Delhi police and its irresponsive behaviour. The police was incapable of stopping the car for 13 kms even though it had received a reporting call. The incapacity of the Delhi government has also been highlighted and called into question just as it was in the Nirbhya case.