In response to Rahul Gandhi’s allegations in the Adani-Hindenburg fiasco Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a thundering reply in both Houses of Parliament. While speaking in vote of thanks to the Presidential address of the Budget Session PM Modi hit back at the RaGa allegations heavily using the opportunity.The PM Modi Speech: A Stiff Counter to the RaGa AttackPM Modi in his speech countered the RaGa attack by calling the decade of 2004- 2014 (the decade during which Congress was the ruling party) as a ‘lost decade’. A study conducted by Harvard University titled, ‘The Rise and Fall of Congress in India’ was also cited in the PM Modi’s speech. The issue of corruption and the doubling of price rates of commodities during the decade of Congress rule was also highlighted in the PM Modi speech. However, PM Narendra Modi did not make any direct mention of the Adani controversy and dodged the issue altogether. PM Modi's Thundering Reply-PM Modi Thundering Reply
The RaGa Attack: RaGa AllegationsThe RaGa allegations against PM Modi and the BJP primarily relating to the Adani controversy have been expunged from the Parliamentary discussion. During the RaGa attack, some questions were raised about the PM’s whereabouts with the Adani group tagging PM Narendra Modi as a friend of the Adani group. Even after the PM Modi speech, the RaGa allegations have not subsided. Rahul Gandhi openly voiced his discontent with the PM Modi speech. He pointed out that the PM could have promised the initiation of an inquiry into the activities of the Adani group but he failed to do so.The PM Modi Speech at the Rajya Sabha TodayAs soon as PM Modi began his speech at the Rajya Sabha today (9th February 2023), the opposition created a ruckus as a mark of protest against PM Modi’s speech. However, the PM went on to count the achievements of the BJP government and said that the government has been fearlessly excelling in each sector and has taken bold steps which have earned it a place in the hearts of people.Once again, PM Modi successfully reassured the country that he lives for the country selflessly. At the end of his speech, he earned himself an appalling standing ovation from the Upper House.The Hindenburg report caused a great ruckus in the corporate world. There are many allegations imposed on the Adani group and it created a great loss to them. In counter, Adani group even stated this as a disrespect to the nation but was not able to prevent losses. As many contracts were given to Adani group by the present government, it gave the opposition an opportunity to raise questions which as usual the Prime Minister responded with very high esteem and thundering voice. PM Modi's Thundering Reply-PM Modi's Thundering Reply
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