The Vaccine War September 28, 2023 Vivek Agnihotri's 'The Vaccine War' Leaked Online: A Blow to the Thriller's Theatrical Debut In a disheartening turn of events, Vivek Agnihotri's much-anticipated medical-thriller 'The Vaccine...
The Vaccine War September 8, 2023 Spectacular Flash Mob Wows Times Square as 'The Vaccine War' Film Premieres! In a grand spectacle that left onlookers in awe, the highly anticipated film 'The Vaccine War,' dire...
The Vaccine War August 29, 2023 ‘The Vaccine War’: Vivek Agnihotri’s Tribute to Indian Scientists and Doctors for Successfully Crafting COVID-19 Vaccine Filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, in his forthcoming movie ‘The Vaccine War,’ honors Indian scientis...