New Delhi: According to sources, a team of police broke into a theft ring operating inside the terminals of Indira Gandhi International Airport, detained eight suspects, and seized jewelry worth more than Rs 10 Lakh from their hands.According to police, the eight suspects were employed as loaders by several airlines and ground handling companies at IGI Airport in New Delhi.They were found to have “gold and silver jewelry worth roughly Rs 10 lakhs, six designer watches, an Apple iPhone, cash worth Rs. 1.15,000, other things,” according to officials. The police continued, “With their arrest, 4 cases of Baggage Theft Registered at IGIA unit have also been solved.”
Delhi Airport Theft Gang Busted-Delhi Airport Theft Gang Busted-Delhi Airport Theft Gang Busted
On January 11, the team from the police station at IGI Airport, with the assistance of the airlines’ vigilance department, detained one loader, Deepak Pal S/o Satya Prakash, who tried to steal from the registered check-in baggage of a passenger who was to board the flight, police said.According to officials, a case was filed under sections 379 and 511 of the IPC, and an investigation was started. Deepak, the accused, was brought to the police station, questioned there, and then taken into custody. He admitted that he had been a loader for a business that offered ground handling help since 2018, according to the police.Because his pay of Rs. 18000 was insufficient, he began to steal small amounts of money from passengers’ luggage whenever he had the chance. He gradually met with seven other loaders and ground handlers from different airlines and agencies.Because they all shared an area and worked nearly identical shifts, they formed a gang with active connivance and ulterior objectives. They began stealing bags on a considerable scale, the accused, Deepak, told the police.A committed group of police officers, including Inspector Sumit Kumar, Insp Satish Yadav, SI Mukesh Kumar, SI Sandeep, SI Prashant, SI Sanjeev Chaudhary, HC Vishwajeet, HC Birju, and W/Ct. Mohini was formed due to the seriousness of the situation, according to the police.
The team labored diligently, and with technical surveillance, the team could pinpoint the locations of all the suspect’s loaders. All eight loaders were raided at their places, and the seven other leaders were taken into custody, according to the police.
The police have identified the accused as Pappi Kumar S/O Kalu Ram, Rahul Yadav S/O Ashok, Moshin Khan S/O Ibrahim Khan, and Gautam Kumar S/O Ram Bir Singh. Kamal Kumar is a Suresh Kumar descendant, as is Neeraj Kumar. The police reported that a significant amount of stole articles was discovered in their possession.According to the authorities, they used to steal from travelers’ luggage and conceal the taken items in lockers and other locations across the airport. Later, whenever they had the chance, they would sneak out of the airport while concealing the stolen goods in their garments. They acted professionally and used to gather the stolen items in one location before getting rid of them. The other recipients and buyers of the stolen products are being sought out, the police said.Do visit our website for more news, facts, and article where we share The True Stories of The World, The TopStoriesWorld.Com