Indian Men's Blind Cricket Team Reaches London for IBSA World Games 2023
- Posted on August 15, 2023
- Sports
- By Sanchi

The Indian men's blind cricket team has reached London to partake in the historic International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) World Games 2023.
The game is scheduled to commence on August 18 in Birmingham.
It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that blind cricket is being included in the World Games. The team, captained by Ajay Kumar Reddy Illuri, will face Pakistan in its opening match on August 20.
Dr. Mahantesh G. Kivadasannavar, chairman of India's Cricket Association for the Blind (CABI), is optimistic about the team's chances at the IBSA World Games. He drilled into them the importance of giving their all during the event.
Mohammad Kaif, a former Indian cricketer, has lauded blind cricket, praising the players for their inspirational fortitude in the face of vision impairment. He praised their commitment to the game and urged fans to rally behind them. Kaif praised the CABI and the IBSA for their efforts to expand blind cricket.
The men's cricket team has talented individuals with varying degrees of visual impairment, such as captain Ajay Kumar Reddy Illuri and vice captain Venkateswara Rao Dunna.
Blind cricket players from India and other participating countries will demonstrate their prowess at the IBSA World Games in 2023. Cricket fans all over the world are cheering for these athletes because of the worldwide event that is celebrating not only their athletic talent but also highlighting their determination and spirit.
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