China Establishes Ties with Honduras, Taiwan Criticizes Dollar Diplomacy
- Posted on March 26, 2023
- By Al soyma

China Establishes Ties with Honduras:-
China has opened diplomatic ties with Honduras, much to the disappointment of Taiwan, which has criticized the monetary demands Placed on the Central American nation by China.
On Thursday, the Honduran government announced that it was severing ties with Taiwan and establishing formal diplomatic relations with China, marking another diplomatic win for Beijing in its global efforts to isolate Taiwan, which it regards as a breakaway province.
The decision comes after months of negotiations between the two countries, which have seen China offering significant economic incentives to Honduras in exchange for establishing diplomatic ties.
According to reports, China has promised to provide Honduras with up to $1 billion in financial assistance, as well as investments in infrastructure projects and other economic benefits. In return, Honduras has agreed to support China's "One China" policy, which asserts that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of it.
Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticized China's "dollar diplomacy," accusing Beijing of using economic incentives to pressure countries to sever ties with Taiwan. In a statement, the ministry said, "We strongly condemn the Chinese government's irrational behavior of using economic coercion to push Honduras into cutting ties with Taiwan."
Taiwanese officials have also expressed concern that the loss of Honduras as an ally could embolden other countries to follow suit and sever ties with Taiwan. The island nation now has formal diplomatic relations with just 14 countries, mostly small nations in Latin America, Africa, and the Pacific.
China has been ramping up its efforts to isolate Taiwan on the global stage since President Tsai Ing-wen, who supports independence from China, took office in 2016. Beijing has successfully persuaded several countries, including Panama, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador, to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan and recognize Beijing instead.
The move to establish ties with Honduras is likely to further strain relations between China and the United States, which has been a strong supporter of Taiwan and has accused China of engaging in "debt-trap diplomacy" to expand its influence around the world.
It remains to be seen whether Othercountries will follow Honduras' lead and sever ties with Taiwan in exchange for economic incentives from China. However, the move underscores China's growing global influence and its willingness to use economic leverage to achieve its political goals.
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