Credit card details of users leaked due to a bug in ChatGPT
- Posted on March 25, 2023
- By Arijit Dutta
Credit card details of users are also included in the leaked data

Currently the users of ChatGPT are increasing a lot. In such a situation, a shocking revelation has happened. The revelations revealed that a bug had leaked sensitive data, including the credit card details of hundreds of users of ChatGTP. Actually a user found this bug in the system.
OpenAI had to take its popular ChatGPT bot offline for emergency maintenance. Due to this bug, users could also see the chat history titles of other users. The incident was reported on Reddit, with users posting screenshots of their ChatGPT sidebar, which shows other users' previous chat history. OpenAI took the bot offline for about 10 hours while it investigated the issue.
Credit card details of users are also included in the leaked data.
Preliminary findings from OpenAI have revealed a security problem. Chat history bug potentially leaks personal data of 1.2 percent of ChatGPT Plus customers. The leaked data includes details such as users' first and last name, e-mail address, payment address and last four digits of credit card numbers, as well as credit card expiration dates. However, the full credit card number was not disclosed.
The company corrected and clarified the mistake
The company identified the flawed library as Redis-py, a Redis client open-source library that has since been patched. OpenAI has taken additional steps to prevent incidents like this from happening again, including adding redundant checks to library calls, programmatically examining their logs to ensure that all messages are only sent to the correct users Logging to identify when such events are occurring and that they are closed. OpenAI has also contacted affected users to alert them to the issue.