North Korea Showing Off Its Nuclear Muscle; Tests Underwater Drone!
- Posted on March 24, 2023
- By Bishal kalita
You don't
need the sharpest memory to remember that last week North Korea carried out
drills to counter Nuclear Attacks from its enemies under the supervision of the
man himself, Kim Jong Un. This week, North Korea flexed its Nuclear Muscle
in the "coolest" way possible!

According to
reports surfacing from East Asia, a brand new technology was launched in the
waters of North Korea. A nuclear-capable underwater attack drone was tested by
experts in South Hamgyong province on Tuesday.
The underwater drone sailed for 59 hours at a depth of 80-150 meters before detonating on the East coast, as per the reports from KCNA.
The underwater drone, if passed successfully by the officials upon testing, can pose a pressing threat to the world. Its ability to remain in stealth for long alongside the massive destruction it can bring through its "super-scale" radioactive wave is a cause for concern.
The US and South Korea are probably the two countries that would be terrified by the development of North Korea's nuclear-capable underwater attack drone. Kim Jong Un already issued warnings against these countries and asked them to refrain from any kind of "joint military exercise" against North Korea.
Notably, the KCNA reported that Kim Jong Un oversaw the test of the underwater drone called "Haeil." (Haeil in Korean means tsunami, and the name rightly fits the system)
There is no concrete evidence, however, to confirm that North Korea has a fully developed system ready for action straight away. But what can be established is the fact that North Korea is way ahead in the race for "Nuclear Supremacy."
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