Computer Question Test – 3


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#1. Which of the following is not an example of an Operating System?

#2. here are …………. parts to a computer system.

#3. A microprocessor unit, a memory unit, and an input/output unit form a:

#4. Which of the following is not an input device?

#5. The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols

#6. File extensions are used in order to ……….

#7. An interpreter is

#8. Which is the part of the computer system that one can physically touch?

#9. A ………. is an electronic device that process data, converting it into information.

#10. Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?

#11. Which one of the following is different from other members?

#12. Which of the following is an example of non-volatile memory?

#13. One Gigabyte is approximately equal is:

#14. IC chips used in computers are usually made of:

#15. Which amongst the following is not an advantage of Distributed systems?

#16. Function of running and loading programs by use of peripherals is function of

#17. The term ‘page traffic’ describes

#18. Assembler is

#19. An assembler is

#20. Process to exit from computer by giving correct instructions such as 'EXIT' is classified as

#21. .During the ………… portion of the Information Processing Cycle, the computer acquires data from some source.

#22. What type of process creates a smaller file that is faster to transfer over the internet?

#23. 1 GB is equal to

#24. .bit stands for

#25. Which of the following is used to Manage DataBase?
