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Science Test - 10

1 / 25

Meg-1 is an imprinted gene which finds expression only from maternal chromosomes which

regulates the transfer of nutrients from the plant to the seed. This gene has been discovered in:

2 / 25

The instrument that measures arterial blood pressure is known as :

3 / 25

Penicillin‘ which is used as an antibiotic is obtained from :

4 / 25

Pest-resistant cotton commonly known as ‗Bt-Cotton‘ is genetically engineered by inserting

a gene from a:

5 / 25

Anemophily‘ is pollination by :

6 / 25

The nutritional supplements Spirulina, Chorella and the Vitamin-C supplement, Dunaliella

are actually:

7 / 25

Human Papilloma Virus is related to which of the following diseases?

8 / 25

Which among the following is not a ‗heriditary‘ disease?

9 / 25

The bacterium ‗Escherichia coli‘ is found mainly in:

10 / 25

Which among the followings/are correctly paired:




11 / 25

Which among the following factors are essential for ‗blood coagulation‘?

1.Vitamin K

2.Calcium ions (Ca++)

3.Christmas factor

12 / 25

Saffron‘ is obtained from which among the following parts of the plant?

13 / 25

Pancreas‘ functions as an:

  1. Endocrine gland
  2. Exocrine gland

14 / 25

Which among the following have a ‗mixed heart‘ ,that is the heart in which the oxygenated

and the deoxygenated blood is mixed?

15 / 25

Plants which are adapted to grow in soils containing high concentration of salt are known as:

16 / 25

Which of the following Vitamins of the ‗B-Complex‘ are correctly paired with their respective


  1. Vitamin B2-Riboflavin
  2. Vitamin B3-Niacin
  3. Vitamin B7-Biotin
  4. Vitamin B12-Cyanocobalamine

17 / 25

Bowman‘s Capsule‘ works as a part of the functional unit of which among the following

human physiological system?

18 / 25

Consider the following plant hormones:

  1. Gibberellins-Seed germination
  2. Auxins-Apical dominance
  3. Cytokines’-Climacteric ripening of fruits

Which among the above is/are correctly paired with their respective functions in plant


19 / 25

Consider the following:




Gun Metal is the alloy of which among the above?

20 / 25

The color ―Carmine‖ is a shade of which among the following colors?

21 / 25

Gypsum is added to Cement so that, _________?

22 / 25

Which among the following makes Chile saltpetre different from saltpetre?

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Which among the following is ―Fool‘s Gold‖ ?

24 / 25

Some plants are ‗carnivorous‘ due to their adaptation to grow in places where the soil is thin

or poor in nutrients, especially nitrogen. IN this context, consider the following plants:




Which of the above plant(s) is/are carnivorous?

25 / 25

Dietary intake of ‗Iodine‘ is essential for the normal functioning of thyroid gland.Which among

the following is considered to be naturally rich in Iodine?

1.Table Salt


3.Dairy Products

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