India Elected to United Nations' Highest Statistical Body, Recognizing its Global Leadership in Data Analysis and Research.
- Posted on April 6, 2023
- News
- By Arijit Dutta
India Elected to United Nations:-
India has been elected to serve a four-year term on the United Nations' highest statistical body, according to a statement released by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday.
Jaishankar congratulated India's representatives for securing the seat with a strong showing in a competitive election. He attributed India's success to the country's expertise in the fields of statistics, diversity, and demography.
The United Nations Statistical Commission, established in 1947, is responsible for setting statistical standards and developing concepts and methods, as well as their implementation at the national and international levels.
It brings together Chief Statisticians from member states worldwide to serve as the highest decision-making body for international statistical activities.
The recent election for the commission was contested by four candidates for two seats, and India emerged victorious with 46 out of 53 votes. This result confirms India's position as a global leader in statistical analysis and research and recognizes its commitment to promoting the Use of accurate, reliable data in policy-making and development initiatives.
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