Sanskrit, the mother of all languages which was once regarded as a “Devobhasha” (language used by the Gods to communicate with each other), is seeing a continuously decreasing usage in India over the years. The primary reasons behind such a shift of culture are the decreased participation of schools in incorporating Sanskrit as a compulsory subject and the primary focus on English which is the indisputable lingua franca in this competitive world.
The Glory of Sanskrit: The Mother of All Languages
The finding of written literature of Sanskrit, the mother of all languages, dates back to 1500 and 1200 BCE raising claims that it is the world’s oldest language. It is strongly believed in the Hindu faith that it was Lord Krishna who chanted the Bhagwad Gita in Sanskrit for the first time and it was written down as a holy scripture. No wonder why Sanskrit is regarded as “Devobhasha”. The language Sanskrit introduced the entire Bharat to natural laws which is the primary spiritual source of law forming the essence of all laws impacting human life. The mother of all languages not only holds our rich Indian cultural heritage but also serves as the inception for vocabulary used in all languages of the world. Sanskrit Village Mattur is Proudly
The Sanskrit Village: Mattur in KarnatakaMattur in Karnataka is a small village having a population of 5000 people mostly belonging to the Sankethi culture who had migrated to Mattur in Karnataka from Kerala. Despite any other differences between the villagers, the common thread binding all the villagers is the language Sanskrit. Irrespective of age or socio-economic status, all villagers converse in Sanskrit as a part and parcel of daily life. Children are even taught the Hindu Vedas from the tender age of 10 years.This Sanskrit village celebrates traditional festivals and holds the ancient Indian cultures close to its heart to date. Marriage outside the community is strictly forbidden. Religious and peaceful aura of the village easily captivates the hearts of all visitors to Mattur in Karnataka. No matter the speed of urbanization and westernization of Indian culture, this Sanskrit village has been living with Sanskritic traditions and language at the core of their hearts. Sanskrit Village Mattur is Proudly
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