Man Receives 40,000-Page Reply To RTI Request In Madhya Pradesh
- Posted on July 30, 2023
- News
- By Ishna

In an unusual incident in Madhya Pradesh's Indore, a man received a staggering 40,000-page response to his Right to Information Act (RTI) request and had to stuff his car with the documents on Saturday.
Dharmendra Shukla, the petitioner, had sought details of tenders and bill payments related to the Covid-19 period from the Indore Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO). Since the RTI plea went unanswered for over a month, Shukla didn't have to pay the usual ₹2 per page fee.

Frustrated by the delay, Shukla appealed to the first appellate officer, who not only accepted his plea but also ordered that the information be provided to him free of cost. To transport the vast amount of documents, Shukla had to use his SUV, and even then, the car could barely contain the paperwork, leaving only the driver's seat empty.

In response to the incident, the appellate officer and Regional Joint Director of the state health department, Dr. Sharad Gupta, took action against the responsible official, holding them accountable for the delay and the subsequent financial loss of ₹80,000 to the state exchequer due to the need to provide the information for free.
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