One of the biggest corporations in the USA, Dollar General employs numerous workers. With this many workers, it is quite surprising that several workers are checking for Dollar general pay stubs digitally. Your gross pay, reimbursements, and net income for a certain time period are all displayed on a Dollar General pay stub.
What do you mean by a dollar general pay stub?
Dollar general pay stub
Dollar General employees can access their pay stubs online through the DG paystub portal. Your identity, employee ID number, gross salary, deductions, and net pay are all listed on a Dollar General pay stub.
Employees of Dollar General can access their pay stubs online using the DGME Pay Stub Portal, also known as the Dollar General Pay Stub Portal. Employees can update their personal information and examine their current and past pay stubs using the portal.
Dollar general pay stub Portal
Portal for Dollar General pay stubs
By visiting Dollar General Pay Stub website - and entering your username and password in the corresponding sections, you can access the portal.
You can still set up an account without a login by entering your employee ID number. On the other hand, you might ask your store manager for your pay stubs.
Getting Pay Stubs
You have two options for getting your pay stubs if you're an existing or ex-Dollar General employee:
1. either through the DGME paystub portal system,
2. or by asking your management team or Human Resources department for them.
If you already have a registration for the Dollar General Employee system, all you need to do is visit the portal and enter the required credentials to login. You may also take a print out of your pay slips from that location. You can also ask for your pay slips from the concerned reporting manager even if you don't have a login.
Either digitally or physically, in either case, obtaining pay stubs from DGME is a simple and quick process.
Accessing the Dollar General Employee Pay Stub Portal
Enter your credentials which include your login ID and a security passcode in the corresponding sections when you visit the Dollar General pay stub Portal. Your employment credentials might be required to log in.
If you do not already have the required credentials, register by clicking the "Register" link at the end of the page and following the on-screen directions. Once you have created an account, you can log in using your new login ID and security passcode.
You will then be sent your metric data window once logged in, where you may check your most recent and previous pay stubs and edit your personal details. You can access your most recent and previous pay stubs on your Dashboard after logging in to the Dollar General Pay Stub Portal.
Obtaining a pay stub from the Human Resource department at Dollar General
The HR Department is another source for Dollar General pay stubs. You have two options for doing this:
1. Request a hard copy or a copy in digital format.
2. Call 1-877-463-1553 to get in touch with the Human Resource Department.
Below are the phone and email numbers for Dollar General's Human Resource department:
● The email address for Dollar General Human Resources is
● The phone number for Dollar General Human Resource is 1-877-463-1553
You must seek your pay stubs from your previous employer if you have left your position. Either digitally or physically, they ought to be able to give the needed things to the one seeking.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I change my DG Paystub Portal password?
When prompted, enter your employee ID or email address in order to log in. However, if you have forgotten your password by clicking the "Forgot Password" option available on the login page. An email with information on the process for changing your password will then be sent to you.
What to do if you lose your Dollar General pay stubs?
You must ask your former employer for your pay stubs if your employment has ended. They need to be able to give them to you physically or electronically.
Are my Dollar General pay stubs available in print form?
Your Dollar General store manager will oblige if you ask for a hard copy of your pay stubs. You can also access the DGME employee pay stub portal online by logging in.
How can one get a digital copy of Dollar General's pay stubs?
Your store manager will require your email address in order to send you a copy of your Dollar General pays stubs electronically. Alternatively, you can access the DGME Employee Portal online and get the required digital copy.
What will happen if one is unable to remember the username or password?
On the login screen, click the "Forgot Username or Password" link and input your email address if you can't remember your required credentials. After that, you'll receive an email with directions on how to change your password.
What should I do if I am having problems getting into the Dollar General employee pay stub portal?
If you are experiencing difficulties during login process, contact Dollar General customer support for assistance. The customer support mail id and contact number have already been mentioned above.